Monday, April 28, 2014

Fun At Health Fair

This has been a really great spring season thus far! The birds are chirping, the days are getting longer, and things are looking up! It's a time for growth, rejuvenation and rebirth and that's why I was very excited to do the Riverside Baptist Health Fair earlier this month!

One of our great patients asked me if I would volunteer. She explained that each year they have a health fair at her church where different providers come from all around the community and do screenings and provide information to help people with the resources they need. They had never had a dentist before but fair-goers in the past had asked for resources concerning their smiles and she was nice enough to think of asking me to attend.

The patient that asked me to come (Joan) met me at an informational talk I did at the Pinecrest Community Center. She knew that I was not shy to present and could answer questions as needed. I was happy and honored she asked me and said of course I would help out at the fair.

Well... The health fair was great! There were people from all over - many came from the community and many from the church itself. Everyone was very nice and they seemed to appreciate my presence there. They were not shy about asking questions and I even got to look in a couple mouths. 

I love answering questions and meeting new people. I give my cell phone freely and tell people to call me anytime if they have a question or what to "talk teeth". It was a great experience overall and I hope to do many more fairs in the future!

Thanks Joan for inviting me to the health fair. It was great!!

 Me at the health fair... We were talking teeth in a BIG way!

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